Friday, April 10, 2009

Six Years

I've been dying to see this for six VERY long years, ever since I was in high school and all my friends were doing the New York tours. They would all come home and tell me how fabulous it was, and I was always green with envy. (Pun intended :)

Thanks to a very loving husband my wait came to an end last night! Yes that's right ladies and gentlemen, I can now claim the bragging rights, and how was it you ask??...

It was wonderful, fabulous, breath taking, and even goose bump giving at times. I LOVED it!The whole night was wonderful and Aaron made me feel like an absolute princess. Thanks so much for the tickets babe, and for a wonderful evening!


Jessica said...

SOOOO jealous!! And yes, green w/ envy, he he.

JDM said...

I loved it too.
What fun to think of the story from the other side.
Sounds like you guys had an amazing night!

Kali said...

That's awesome! Way to go Aaron.

Jodi said...

There are two kinds of people . . . those who have seen Wicked and those who have not. You are the have and I am the have not. Dang it.