Friday, May 15, 2009

My Best Friend

I've sat here at my computer for some time now trying to figure out how to eloquently convey how much I love you, as other's do on their blogs. However I have never have been very good at being able to express what I feel in writing. So it simply comes to this...

You are truly my best friend. My complete opposite and I love you the more for it. You keep me in balance. You are a constant example of selflessness, service and kindness towards others. You love me despite of all my flaws.

I love snuggling up with you to watch "our" TV shows together, and I love that you take Ebby and me for walks when you come home, even though I know how tired you are.

I love you, Thanks for three wonderful years!

1 comment:

Becky W. said...

So Sweet! Happy anniversary you two!