Sunday, March 6, 2011

Generally we have a mutual understanding,

To me he is merely a creature to be tolerated. I refer to him only as "the cat." He keeps the mice away, so I put up with him. I avoid him, and he avoids me. I also have a firm "get that freakin cat out of my house RIGHT NOW!" policy.

 However, I think this weekend we both miss HIM, and so we have temporarily called a truce. In case your wondering "the cat" is much better at catching mice then writing papers.

I've also decided that I'd much rather be the "ditcher" than the "ditched."I'm really begining to feel guilty for leaving for three weeks this summer.


Jessica said...

Time goes soooo much slower when you're the one at home! It always sucks to be apart, but I think it's a lot easier to be the one busy and out and about. Where was your hubby, btw?

halley said...

Ceder City snow boarding. On the up side, I did get a lot more done than I usually do. :)