Monday, March 28, 2011

To one of the most remarkable ladies I know,

To the person who taught me how to play just about every card game I know;  

The lady who never forgets a birthday or anniversary and attends every sporting event, piano recital and every other special occasion possible; 

The one who recorded a talk on tape to be played at my baptism, and bought me my temple clothes the first time I attended the temple; 

The lady who loves to watch football and comes shopping with us the day after Thanksgiving; 

The one who gathers her family once a month to make humanitarian kits; 

The lady who  taught me the value of being thrifty, the joy of simplicity, and the importance of gratitude. 

To the woman who's faith is unceasing and who's strength, courage and perseverance is inspirational. 

May you have the happiest of birthdays. Your shining and unceasing example of charity, love, service, dedication, strength and faith will be a be looked upon and spoken of by your posterity for generations to come. Thank you for all that you are and all that you've done. You truly are remarkable.

Happy 85th Birthday Grandma!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Live every week as if it were Shark Week."

advice given from Tracey Jordan to Kenneth.

I love love LOVE watching old episodes of 30 Rock.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dear Mother Nature,

Regarding your antics last night, they are NOT appreciated. I just wanted to remind you that snow is for the winter months, consisting of December, January and February. In case you forgot to change your calender it is now March. If you could please send some sunshine, blue skies and possibly even some warmer temperatures in my direction it would bring me much joy and pleasure. I simply can't handle you toying with my emotions in that cruel way that only you can do.

Frozenly yours, (and slightly lamenting you)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Generally we have a mutual understanding,

To me he is merely a creature to be tolerated. I refer to him only as "the cat." He keeps the mice away, so I put up with him. I avoid him, and he avoids me. I also have a firm "get that freakin cat out of my house RIGHT NOW!" policy.

 However, I think this weekend we both miss HIM, and so we have temporarily called a truce. In case your wondering "the cat" is much better at catching mice then writing papers.

I've also decided that I'd much rather be the "ditcher" than the "ditched."I'm really begining to feel guilty for leaving for three weeks this summer.