Saturday, February 27, 2010

Thats why I married him...

I Lost my wedding ring today

Instead of being mad he helped me look for it.
Instead of scolding me and telling me to be more careful he took me by the hand and prayed with me.
Instead of lecturing me he took apart the washer, put his hand down the disposal, and helped me tear the house apart.
When I started to cry and said I was a bad wife, he took me in his arms, told me he loved me and that he would aerate lawns all summer to get me a new one if he had too.
And when, after an hour and a half of desperatly searching, he found it sitting on my dresser, he laughed picked it up, put it on my naked finger and told me he loved me.

Aaron you are my constant example of unconditional love, patience and kindness. My I one day be as slow to anger, and quick to help and love as you.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is worse that forgetting your ponytail holder at the gym?......

      Forgetting your ponytail holder AND
      your headphones to your Ipod.

Friday, February 19, 2010

If you think about it...

Please don't think me irreverant, However Heavenly Father in is infinite wisdom made February (the last true month of winter) with only 28 days, and that is something to shout for JOY about.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I managed to blow the microwave up at work today... which is pretty indicative of my week.
Enough said.