Friday, January 15, 2010

Intervention Needed!

I am sad to say that Aaron and I have become LOST "Junkies!" We have recently acquired seasons 1-4 (thanks to a dear co-worker of mine) and we just cannot help ourselves. The dishes have begun to pile up and we have lost many hours of precious sleep to this addicting TV show. The bad thing about having the whole season on DVD is that when one episode ends the next is always there beckoning you to watch.


Jessica said...

So Scott and I make fun of LOST all the time, (no we've never watched it), but I both think we know that someday we're going to be home, sick, bored, and we're going to get totally hooked.

I LOVE watching TV shows on DVD. Instant gratification. We own all of "The Office" and the first couple seasons of "How I Met Your Mother." It just makes me so darn happy every time there's a commercial pause with NO commercial!

halley said...

Sadly I used to make fun of LOST watchers as well. I thought that I wouldn't like the show. It was too "Scifi" for me, but I was wrong... oh how I was wrong!

JDM said...

We should have Lost parties for the final season.
Yes, I know how nerdy that sounds and is...but think of the fun!

Nickell said...

I found your blog, mostly because it's on your facebook profile. I'm not a creep I swear. But I do have to say I'm proud you are a lost watcher! We have been watching it from the beginning and I'm SO excited for season 6 to start! We've even watched it 4 or 5 times through when we get other people hooked. I don't like scifi usually either but this show is so great!